“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
― Winston Churchill
90% of our budget is directed to our programs, but program fees only cover 35% of our expenses. The remainder of our expenses are covered by grant writing, fund raising, and donors like you.
Therapeion relies on donations from individuals, families, foundations and corporations to help fund its programs. Thank you to all that have supported us in the past. We invite those new to the program to learn more about Therapeion and how to get involved.
The DONATE button will allow you to give a gift through PayPal or by credit card. Donations of any amount are always appreciated! Your generosity helps us to continue to provide quality services to our clients. (Please note that if you donate by credit card, a percentage of your gift is applied to the credit card company’s fees. If you would like 100% of your gift to benefit Therapeion, you may send a check to the address shown below.
Wish List
At the top of our Wish List is 25+ acres of land in northern Tippecanoe County or southern White County. It must be well drained, have easy access to a major road, but not be on a busy highway. If you have a parcel of land that might be suitable for our new location please give us a call. We are also interested in the donation of a pre-existing facility.
If you would like to make an in-kind donation here is a list of some of the items we need:
Mailing envelopes
Letter sized printer paper
Brochure printer paper
Printer ink- contact us for the manufacture and size information
Office supply store gift cards
JoAnn gift cards
Discounted or donated printing
Blank mailing labels
Staples gift cards
Grass or grass/alfalfa mix hay for horses
Tribute Horse feed @ $25 per bag
Various tack items for our horses- please contact us for needs
Troxel helmets- contact us for sizes and styles
Spray disinfectant, such as Lysol
Washable markers
Adaptive equipment- please contact us for list
Since Therapeion Therapeutic Riding Center is a 501(c)(3) all donations are tax deductible. Help us make miracles happen in the lives of our participants and families with your donation.
Therapeion Therapeutic Riding Center
5622 N. East Shafer Dr.
Monticello, IN 47960
Please include a note with your check if you wish your donation to be used to purchase a specific item.
We can be reached by phone at 765-414-8066 or by e-mail at therapeion@yahoo.com.